# Importing pandas and numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Reading the csv file into a pandas DataFrame
data = pd.read_csv('student_data.csv')

# Printing out the first 10 rows of our data
admit gre gpa rank
0 0 380 3.61 3
1 1 660 3.67 3
2 1 800 4.00 1
3 1 640 3.19 4
4 0 520 2.93 4
5 1 760 3.00 2
6 1 560 2.98 1
7 0 400 3.08 2
8 1 540 3.39 3
9 0 700 3.92 2

Plotting the data

First let's make a plot of our data to see how it looks. In order to have a 2D plot, let's ingore the rank.

# Importing matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Function to help us plot
def plot_points(data):
    X = np.array(data[["gre","gpa"]])
    y = np.array(data["admit"])
    admitted = X[np.argwhere(y==1)]
    rejected = X[np.argwhere(y==0)]
    plt.scatter([s[0][0] for s in rejected], [s[0][1] for s in rejected], s = 25, color = 'red', edgecolor = 'k')
    plt.scatter([s[0][0] for s in admitted], [s[0][1] for s in admitted], s = 25, color = 'cyan', edgecolor = 'k')
    plt.xlabel('Test (GRE)')
    plt.ylabel('Grades (GPA)')
# Plotting the points

Roughly, it looks like the students with high scores in the grades and test passed, while the ones with low scores didn't, but the data is not as nicely separable as we hoped it would. Maybe it would help to take the rank into account? Let's make 4 plots, each one for each rank.

# Separating the ranks
data_rank1 = data[data["rank"]==1]
data_rank2 = data[data["rank"]==2]
data_rank3 = data[data["rank"]==3]
data_rank4 = data[data["rank"]==4]

# Plotting the graphs
plt.title("Rank 1")
plt.title("Rank 2")
plt.title("Rank 3")
plt.title("Rank 4")

This looks more promising, as it seems that the lower the rank, the higher the acceptance rate. Let's use the rank as one of our inputs. In order to do this, we should one-hot encode it.

TODO: One-hot encoding the rank

Use the get_dummies function in pandas in order to one-hot encode the data.

Hint: To drop a column, it's suggested that you use one_hot_data.drop( ).

# TODO:  Make dummy variables for rank and concat existing columns
one_hot_data = pd.concat([data, pd.get_dummies(data['rank'], prefix='rank')], axis=1)

# TODO: Drop the previous rank column
one_hot_data = one_hot_data.drop('rank', axis=1)

# Print the first 10 rows of our data
admit gre gpa rank_1 rank_2 rank_3 rank_4
0 0 380 3.61 0 0 1 0
1 1 660 3.67 0 0 1 0
2 1 800 4.00 1 0 0 0
3 1 640 3.19 0 0 0 1
4 0 520 2.93 0 0 0 1
5 1 760 3.00 0 1 0 0
6 1 560 2.98 1 0 0 0
7 0 400 3.08 0 1 0 0
8 1 540 3.39 0 0 1 0
9 0 700 3.92 0 1 0 0

TODO: Scaling the data

The next step is to scale the data. We notice that the range for grades is 1.0-4.0, whereas the range for test scores is roughly 200-800, which is much larger. This means our data is skewed, and that makes it hard for a neural network to handle. Let's fit our two features into a range of 0-1, by dividing the grades by 4.0, and the test score by 800.

# Making a copy of our data
processed_data = one_hot_data[:]

# TODO: Scale the columns
processed_data['gre'] = processed_data['gre']/800
processed_data['gpa'] = processed_data['gpa']/4.0
# Printing the first 10 rows of our procesed data
admit gre gpa rank_1 rank_2 rank_3 rank_4
0 0 0.475 0.9025 0 0 1 0
1 1 0.825 0.9175 0 0 1 0
2 1 1.000 1.0000 1 0 0 0
3 1 0.800 0.7975 0 0 0 1
4 0 0.650 0.7325 0 0 0 1
5 1 0.950 0.7500 0 1 0 0
6 1 0.700 0.7450 1 0 0 0
7 0 0.500 0.7700 0 1 0 0
8 1 0.675 0.8475 0 0 1 0
9 0 0.875 0.9800 0 1 0 0

Splitting the data into Training and Testing

In order to test our algorithm, we'll split the data into a Training and a Testing set. The size of the testing set will be 10% of the total data.

sample = np.random.choice(processed_data.index, size=int(len(processed_data)*0.9), replace=False)
train_data, test_data = processed_data.iloc[sample], processed_data.drop(sample)

print("Number of training samples is", len(train_data))
print("Number of testing samples is", len(test_data))
Number of training samples is 360
Number of testing samples is 40
     admit    gre     gpa  rank_1  rank_2  rank_3  rank_4
100      0  0.425  0.7875       0       0       1       0
284      1  0.550  0.8475       0       1       0       0
376      0  0.775  0.9075       0       1       0       0
69       0  1.000  0.9325       1       0       0       0
147      0  0.700  0.6775       0       0       1       0
298      0  0.675  0.8750       0       1       0       0
127      0  0.925  0.9350       0       0       0       1
135      0  0.625  0.8925       0       0       1       0
260      0  0.850  0.7775       0       1       0       0
46       1  0.725  0.8650       0       1       0       0
    admit    gre     gpa  rank_1  rank_2  rank_3  rank_4
8       1  0.675  0.8475       0       0       1       0
20      0  0.625  0.7925       0       0       1       0
22      0  0.750  0.7050       0       0       0       1
23      0  0.850  0.7975       0       0       0       1
34      0  0.450  0.7850       1       0       0       0
35      0  0.500  0.7625       0       1       0       0
40      0  0.700  0.6050       0       1       0       0
41      1  0.725  0.8300       0       1       0       0
43      0  0.625  0.8275       0       0       1       0
55      1  0.925  1.0000       0       0       1       0

Splitting the data into features and targets (labels)

Now, as a final step before the training, we'll split the data into features (X) and targets (y).

features = train_data.drop('admit', axis=1)
targets = train_data['admit']
features_test = test_data.drop('admit', axis=1)
targets_test = test_data['admit']

       gre     gpa  rank_1  rank_2  rank_3  rank_4
100  0.425  0.7875       0       0       1       0
284  0.550  0.8475       0       1       0       0
376  0.775  0.9075       0       1       0       0
69   1.000  0.9325       1       0       0       0
147  0.700  0.6775       0       0       1       0
298  0.675  0.8750       0       1       0       0
127  0.925  0.9350       0       0       0       1
135  0.625  0.8925       0       0       1       0
260  0.850  0.7775       0       1       0       0
46   0.725  0.8650       0       1       0       0
100    0
284    1
376    0
69     0
147    0
298    0
127    0
135    0
260    0
46     1
Name: admit, dtype: int64

Training the 2-layer Neural Network

The following function trains the 2-layer neural network. First, we'll write some helper functions.

# Activation (sigmoid) function
def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def sigmoid_prime(x):
    return sigmoid(x) * (1-sigmoid(x))
def error_formula(y, output):
    return - y*np.log(output) - (1 - y) * np.log(1-output)

TODO: Backpropagate the error

Now it's your turn to shine. Write the error term. Remember that this is given by the equation $$ (y-\hat{y}) \sigma'(x) $$

# TODO: Write the error term formula
def error_term_formula(x, y, output):
    return (y- output)*sigmoid_prime(x)
# Neural Network hyperparameters
epochs = 10000
learnrate = 0.4

# Training function
def train_nn(features, targets, epochs, learnrate):
    # Use to same seed to make debugging easier

    n_records, n_features = features.shape
    last_loss = None

    # Initialize weights
    weights = np.random.normal(scale=1 / n_features**.5, size=n_features)

    for e in range(epochs):
        del_w = np.zeros(weights.shape)
        for x, y in zip(features.values, targets):
            # Loop through all records, x is the input, y is the target

            # Activation of the output unit
            #   Notice we multiply the inputs and the weights here 
            #   rather than storing h as a separate variable 
            output = sigmoid(np.dot(x, weights))

            # The error, the target minus the network output
            error = error_formula(y, output)

            # The error term
            error_term = error_term_formula(x, y, output)

            # The gradient descent step, the error times the gradient times the inputs
            del_w += error_term * x

        # Update the weights here. The learning rate times the 
        # change in weights, divided by the number of records to average
        weights += learnrate * del_w / n_records

        # Printing out the mean square error on the training set
        if e % (epochs / 10) == 0:
            out = sigmoid(np.dot(features, weights))
            loss = np.mean((out - targets) ** 2)
            print("Epoch:", e)
            if last_loss and last_loss < loss:
                print("Train loss: ", loss, "  WARNING - Loss Increasing")
                print("Train loss: ", loss)
            last_loss = loss
    print("Finished training!")
    return weights
weights = train_nn(features, targets, epochs, learnrate)
Epoch: 0
Train loss:  0.27647450760355763
Epoch: 1000
Train loss:  0.20444948086497636
Epoch: 2000
Train loss:  0.2037769486737855
Epoch: 3000
Train loss:  0.20320870213231285
Epoch: 4000
Train loss:  0.20270360082455266
Epoch: 5000
Train loss:  0.20224924706030448
Epoch: 6000
Train loss:  0.20183609708227276
Epoch: 7000
Train loss:  0.20145689935833555
Epoch: 8000
Train loss:  0.20110614373775093
Epoch: 9000
Train loss:  0.2007796176698535
Finished training!

Calculating the Accuracy on the Test Data

# Calculate accuracy on test data
test_out = sigmoid(np.dot(features_test, weights))
predictions = test_out > 0.5
accuracy = np.mean(predictions == targets_test)
print("Prediction accuracy: {:.3f}".format(accuracy))
Prediction accuracy: 0.650